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VRT   Resimercial Design Theory                                                                

Courtyard Mobile Development on a 92' x 66' Lots

Where it is advantageous to minimize lot size, this design reduces lots to just 92' deep, 66 feet wide. The home is put close to the border fence so that the courtyard area on the other side is as large as possible. The outdoor space is a simple L shape. The spa is in one corner, outdoor living room in another, and kitchen tucked in the corner next to the street. The storage building is conveniently set next to the parking places.

Lots in this development are only around 6,000 sq ft excluding sidewalk and street. This is a density of around 7 units per acre. The L shaped outdoor space runs 'coast to coast' in order to maximize the sense of open plan spaciousness. Attractive outdoor living layouts will go a long way in generating 'middle class buy in' I think is the contemporary corporate terminology. As well America is different from other markets. The way you capture a market in the US is to announce the 'fringe' is now the new 'center'. The fashion industry pioneered this concept and one by one other industries have followed suit. Uber did just this with taxi service. AirBnB with vacation rentals. Tesla is trying to do this - with some success - in the automobile industry. The trick is to offer something which goes way beyond what's offered in the industry standard. In this case the 'game changer' is the spacious private outdoor courtyard area. Americans have long sought for such a design but heretofore it has never been consciously and deliberately given them.


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