The Riad Americanized W/ Garden And Pool
As explained in the previous post, a riad is characterized by its inward-facing architecture, designed to provide privacy and serenity. The riad in the previous post was laid out in order to maximize density. In this updated layout wider lots allow for the inclusion of pool and garden.
Again the most convenient building form was the duplex mirrored front to back rather than side to side. One complete side of this duplex is a windowless party wall forming a private garden courtyard looked out over by the windows of the adjacent duplex unit. The four bedrooms look out into this courtyard - as does the living room and dining room below. The living room has two additional clerestory windows.
Again a wraparound sofa banque looks at a very large format projection TV. The dining room is opposite this projection TV wall, fitted with a long table facing the window wall next to the courtyard. The courtyard itself is planted with trees, flowers, and flowering climbing vines going all the way to the top of the party wall. A galley kitchen runs parallel to the dining table with the stove tucked away at one end. A butlers pantry / wet bar is placed in between the kitchen and table and is open to the dining space.
Four large en suite bedrooms each with a king bed are on the floor above and reached by a stair tower at the street side of the house. Ascending one level more through this stair tower brings one to the rooftop terrace. This rooftop terrace is set up as a fully equipped outdoor house, with kitchen, dining area, and wraparound sofa area. Both dining and living spaces are protected with retractable awnings. Bistro tables are placed around the edge of this rooftop terrace along with topiary and flower boxes.
A full basement for storage and utilities is included and while there shouldn't be an issue for the California market, Florida may be another story. A portion can be used for a home gym conveniently located next to the pool and spa. A carport can accommodate three large cars or four compact cars. A gated area just beyond the carport provides protected space for bicycles and motor scooters and leads to the courtyard with pool and spa. A separate staircase connects the courtyard to the basement providing convenient access to pool and spa.
The width of each duplex in only 25' by 60' long - set on lots only 51' wide and 100'long. This works out to around 3,000 sq ft of conditioned living space, 1,500 sq ft of storage and utilities space, and 1,500 ft of rooftop terrace space. The lot is around 5,100 sq ft working out to a pretty high density of 8 units per acre. An additional deck, 35' x 15', is placed over the carport accessed by way of the stair tower providing an additional 1,500 sq ft right on the street.