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VRT   Resimercial Design Theory                                                                

Couch Over Desk Privacy Cubicle Constructable With Singcore SIPS

Study after study confirms the fact that office workers hate the open plan office even more than the semiprivate cubicle. From a business perspective the fundamental question is whether the savings of the open plan office exceed the cost of lost productivity. Business writer Geoffrey James says its a (bigger than you'd think) net loss for reasons you can read about here. I agree with Geoffrey's calculations and suspect that productivity and privacy correlate well. But that is not to say that the most productive office locks its workers in solitary confinement from 9 to 5. The real question is what are the phases of workflow. I see three, first the conceptual, the creative phase if you like, something like a dreamlike state in which the broad contours of a problem begin to take shape, one 'brainstorms' so to speak until suddenly as if out of nowhere one has the thread of a possible solution. With a tentative solution in hand one moves to write it down and sketchs it up. With text and sketches one is off to engage with ones colleagues where the cut and thrust of discussion throw off the sparks out of which a new problem presents itself. And rinse and repeat until you have a market ready product.

What the open plan 'resimercial' living room office strategy gets right is the discussion phase. Whats lacking is the more private quarters of the resi part of resimercial where one can brainstorm in repose and type up the fruits of such labor undisturbed. And so without further ado I offer my solution probably better illustrated than described. Every piece is made with 1.5 inch Singcore sips supplemented with sound reducing gray carpeting strategically placed.

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